Fallout 4 anime mods

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It’s literally another race that’s being added to Fallout 4, making it easier to implement than normal, and allows for “most hairstyles.” You can download it here, from modder hiyokomod, who credits VRoid Studio for doing a lot of the legwork.

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It’s called “Animerace Nanakochan,” and turns all of the women in the game into anime characters. I’m definitely considering booting it up again though after witnessing this ridiculous mod, which came across my desk compliments of our own Deadmoon. Amid all of the death threats I got when I gave it a respectable 7.5 before anyone else actually played it, I enjoyed the sweet sounds of “actually, that sounds about right” after it came out. It’s no New Vegas, but then again, what is? It’s been a minute since I’ve thought about Fallout 4.